Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Unclassed Choropleth maps
Unclassed choropleth are maps that use shadings techniques propotional to the data values so that these choropleth maps do not have to classify the data. This map shows different racial/ ethnic diversity in Los Ageles county in Califonia City by the use of shaddings.

Standartdized Choropleth map
This maps are used to compare data distribution among different areas using certain standardized data such as ratios and rates. This is a Standartized map showing the 200 census population  density according to the states area in square miles.

Accumulative line graph or Lorenz Curve
Accumulative line graph are maps that shows graphical representation of the cumulative distribution of probability distribution. This Lorenz curve map shows sediment loard into lake Wado from 1990 to 1994 in tones measured every month.

Isopleths are maps that consist of lines connecting places of equal value of distribution for a given theme, such as rainfall or temperaturer. This map greated by the Oregon limate service at Oregon state university,  shows rainfall from 1961 to 1990.

This are maps that have lines joining points of equal precipitation on a map. This Isohyets map shows lines that are represented through contours.

Isopach Map
Isopach are contours that connect points of equal thickness. This is a  Isopach map of Woodford Shale in Hunton Group in the anadanko basin of Oklahoma.